Superstructure Moss
About 4 m² of moss grow in the CityBreath. According to Leaf Area Index this corresponds to
an active & cleansing moss surface of ~120 m².
Sensors capture performance and environmental data in real time. This way, the environmental impact can be measured and used directly in your sustainability & ESG reports
Active ventilation
Warm, impure city air is passed through the mosses and released as a fresh and clean breeze regardless of external conditions.
Regular checks of the moss modules and the electronics through RESPIRE or certified partners ensure an optimal operating level, peak performance and longevity.
Smart sensors
Built-in sensors detect the vitality of the mosses. A unique bio-algorithm controls the ideal
supply and saves resources
Centerpiece moss-module
One centerpiece moss-module compensates 45 kg of Co2 per year, as much as two fully grown trees!
Biology + Technology
Air-purifying moss
Sensor technology and supply
We combine the natural abilities of moss with the latest Internet of Things sensors and active ventilation and irrigation technology. The combination of these technologies not only ensures the survival of the mosses outside of their natural habitat, but also optimizes their cooling and filtering effect on the environment. The built-in IoT sensors generate enormous amounts of data in real time, which are made visible by a specially developed online dashboard. The data provide extensive information about the environmental performance and the condition of the bio-filters. In addition, information about the surrounding situation and air quality is available. Thus it is possible at any time to quantitatively prove the environmental performance of a single – or several – bio-filters